Sunday, April 7, 2019
An anatolian marble female idol of Kiliya type. Chalcolithic period, c. 3000-2200 BC. 9 in (22.9 cm) high. Estimate Estimate on request. This lot is offered in Exceptional Sale on 28 April 2017, at Christie’s in New York
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Als mensen zijn we goddelijke wezens. Ergens in je hart kun je dat voelen. Het voelt als een verlangen, soms als een roep vol heimwee. Als je goed oplet kun je dat horen, voelen, en daarbinnen iet…
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sea shell with carved head at the apex (probably phoenician, 600 bc)
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africaafrika : A-fri-ca : Statues funéraires, ethnie Ngata / Bakuma, DR Congo (formerly Zaire), Katanga, ca 1950 ( brown mignot )
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" PRINCESSE DE BACTRIANE ", 3E MILLÉNAIRE AV.J.C. Importante statuette composite en pierre, représentant un personnage assis, dont le vêtement et la coiffure sont en chlorite grise et la tête en calcite blanche. Le corps se compose de deux blocs de pierre superposés, le buste plat, aux épaules arrondies reposant sur une assise presque hémicirculaire, en pointe sur le côté droit et perforée à l'emplacement du pied. ...
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"Bactrian Princess". composite stone statuette depicting a seated princess. Bronze Age - end of 3rd millenium B.C.,
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Statuette féminine, Bactriane, civilisation de l'Oxus, Afghanistan, Turkménistan | Proche-Orient au IIIe millénaire avant J.-C. - Les Musées Barbier-Mueller
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A bactrian "Princess", calcite and chlorite, 3rd millenium B. C. (auction 2012)
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ancientpeoples: “ Seated Female Figure, commonly called a ‘Bactrian Sitting…
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A Bactrian composite stone seated female figure Circa late 3rd - early 2nd Millennium BCE. The body and hair made of chlorite, wearing the typical woven heavy cloak, the separately made white stone head set into the recess on its neck, with large carved almond-shaped eyes and small round ears, 3¼in (8.5cm) high.
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Female figure idol, Early Aegean, Cycladic, Bronze Age, c.2300-2000 BC, found in Cyclades, Greece (marble)
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Tebas Figurita 12-13 dinastías loza Reino Medio, Egipto
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2500-2300 BC, Myrtos Goddess, Early Minoan, near Myrtos in Crete.
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Collezione privata - settore 3 - Archeoastronomia in Italia
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