Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Giant Ancient Megaliths That Modern Technology Cant Explain

text from youtube video comment:

This video looks at ancient advanced technologies and megalithic monuments that science still cant explain. Some of the best evidence for advanced ancient technology comes from samples of vitrification at megalithic sites. The huge structures were built without mortar, and the only way they could have done that was to have super heated the stones into a magma-like state, which implies the use of a sophisticated technology not associated with the ancients.

The Western Stone, Jerusalem, Israel. 1.2 million pounds. The Rammeseum statue, Thebes, Egypt. Two million pounds. The Trilithon at the Temple of Jupiter, Baalbek, Lebanon. 4.8 million pounds.

So basically spread all over our planet, ancient sites reveal engineering mysteries that mainstream scientists believe were achieved with slave labor and simple tools but let’s be realistic, is that really possible? Is that the most logical explanation to all of these construction marvels?


Mysterious Malta Cart Ruts, who or what made them?

image from

The mystery continues in Malta, where ancient Cart Ruts are left from unknown veichles.
Some believe they have been left by endless movement of chariots wheels.
Anothe theory is they have been carved, another one is ancient veichles left traces on soft mud, later becoming stone. Some tracks bring to the water. We must expect the sea level to be different from the time they come from.

Piri Reis : the Mediterranean Sea Map

Another shoot from Piri Reis, this map shows the Mediterranean sea.
The center of projection is near Il Cairo.
Easy to recognize his hand.
Slightly different details if compared to the others.

Please note how rough are his maps after all,
compared to the famous Piri Reis one showing America.

Another world map by Piri Reis

image from

This is an extended version of a world map from Piri Reis
Please note the details of North and South America.
And also the undetailed east!
No sign of Antarctica.
Spain and Africa are quite fitting the other better known Reis's map.
I can't find the year of this map, any ideas? please write in the comments.


built during three distinct time periods approximately between 3600 BC and 700 BC

Malta has mysterious megaliths that may belong to an older culture.
There are traces of ancient activity all around, plus some marks of intense movement by unknown chariots. Some of them lead to nowhere.

Piri Reis Map

The Piri Reis map is a world map compiled in 1513 from military intelligence by the Ottoman admiral and cartographer Piri Reis (pronounced [piɾi ɾeis]). Approximately one third of the map survives; it shows the western coasts of Europe and North Africa and the coast of Brazil with reasonable accuracy. Various Atlantic islands, including the Azores and Canary Islands, are depicted, as is the mythical island of Antillia and possibly Japan.

The historical importance of the map lies in its demonstration of the extent of global exploration of the New World by approximately 1510, and in its claim to have used Christopher Columbus' maps, otherwise lost, as a source. It used ten Arab sources, four Indian maps sourced from the Portuguese, and one of Columbus'. More recently, it has been the focus of pseudohistoric claims for the pre-modern exploration of the Antarctic coast.

from wikipedia